The 7 Questions You Need To Ask To Ace Your Next Presentation (or Ted talk!)

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The 7 Questions You Need To Ask To Ace Your Next Presentation (or Ted talk!)
Michaela Beauchamp - Openreach - Testimonial
My biggest piece of advice when writing a speech or a pitch and I know it’s tempting when you feel like you are literally lost for words…don't get AI to write it!
I love Chat GPT as a prompt for your ideas, a fab intern. It can spark your thinking.
But the bones of the talk has to come from your heart, your values, your beliefs and the stories that make you, you. ❤️
No one else can write your talk but you. Because when you speak out of the lived experience that only you know, that’s when your words sing. 🎤🎶
AI for all its mind blowing wizardry cannot replicate you, your story and your own words. Or at least it can’t at the moment…when I was in Indonesia in the Summer I was given a glimpse into how AI tech is developing, and it is truly extraordinary, but that’s for another day! 🌟
When I’m asked to present, I always return to ask these 7 questions. They allow you to dig into what you believe, what you value and when you learned that.
Why? Because belief is the engine of great speaking. Speakers can change minds, influence decisions and inspire an audience. But this needs to emerge from a compelling story or belief. One that you believe in passionately. 🚀
Watch footage of any speakers that you admire (you don’t necessarily need to agree with them!): it could be Michelle Obama, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Viola Davis, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King, anyone you love to listen to. 🎧
As you listen, tune into how belief fires them up. And as an audience it fires you up too. It resonates with us as listeners because it resonates with them. 🔥
And then dig into your own beliefs – they may be so obvious to you that you’ve never valued them, or told that story. To others they can be revelatory.
What’s your subject here?
1️⃣ What’s your intention for the talk? What will change after you speak?
2️⃣ What’s the current mindset of the audience on this topic? What’s their pain around this subject?
3️⃣ What’s the desired mindset of the audience after you speak?
4️⃣ What do you believe is most important in this subject?
5️⃣ When did you learn this belief? Tell me the story about that moment – make it as compelling as a movie – take me into the scenes! It doesn’t have to be the good moments either – so often your message is in your messes.
6️⃣ What’s the golden nugget you want the audience to remember on this subject? If you only had a little time left on the planet what would you want them to know?
7️⃣ What’s the question, stat, quote or story you want to leave them with – something they will always remember.
They get you on the right road to acing that meeting or presentation or even that wedding speech… They get you remembered and invited back because you are congruent, heart felt, you’ve authored your own authority. 🏆
It can also be useful to think yourself into the mind of a chat-show guest. They handpick the most powerful stories. The most memorable ones. Then get them clear and concise so they are sitting ready if they’re needed. Stories in your back pocket…
The speakers that leave a lasting impact are those that speak their truth.
Audiences want to be inspired and moved and changed by your words. If you share yourself, the audience will feel your moment so much more. 🙌
And the beauty of sharing is that you can have fun with it – because it’s uniquely yours at all times.
Test them out the next time you’re preparing for a presentation or talk.
Speak soon,
Caroline. x