This is how reluctant, nervous or inexperienced public speakers gain professional grade skills and confidence - in under 2 hours


If you’re a nervous speaker who struggles to imagine yourself as a confident speaker.

There are few life activities that have the enormous payoff that public speaking and presenting offer.

There are also few activities that people find more terrifying!

So it may surprise you to find out that the art of relaxed, self-assured public speaking or presenting to large or important audiences is also one of the more straightforward skills you can master.
If you’re a nervous speaker who struggles to imagine yourself as a confident speaker… when it finally happens for you, it’s a truly transformative experience.

You know that speaking and presenting delivers opportunity and advancement - you’ve watched it work for others

You know that speaking with gravitas and confidence in all presentations, pitches and speeches can also help you to step up in your work and your life.
You already know that being able to speak, pitch and present strongly inspires change, closes deals, persuades closed minds, entertains audiences, clarifies strategies – and ups your standing as the speaker.

You know that this is especially true if you find yourself presenting to:

  • Audiences at big product launches or Tedx style events
  • Senior colleagues at leadership meetings
  • Customers at product demonstrations or pitches
  • Delegates at awards ceremonies or conferences
But it’s also true if you run a podcast, create YouTube videos or serve any kind of online audience. Capturing – then holding – a person’s attention is an absolute must.


Master Your Speaking is the system I’ve distilled over decades of the collected techniques, approaches and tools used by the world’s most admired speakers.

Communication secrets from the world’s best

Caroline's style of teaching is clear, insightful, intelligent and warm, packed with tips and tricks, and highly engaging. Effective and practical bite-size-chunks of meeting gold. The course materials are excellent. Master Your Meetings was truly transformational to me - I managed to get my promotion following this, and it was a crucial part of supporting that process.
Laura Hegarty


What I want you to know now, is that though none of us are born public speakers, we can learn quickly.

If you’re nervous about speaking, I get it.

If you simply aren’t confident that your public speaking skills are as clear, as engaging and as persuasive as you need them to be – I get it – because I’ve been there – and I also know that you can address it today.
However daunting standing in front of an audience might feel at the moment, what I want you to know is that so many of the speakers you admire also felt nervous once.
And if you find yourself uncertain – maybe reluctant – to stand up and do it then I don’t blame you. I’ve been there, done that!
I know how awful it feels when you get hit by dread before an event. Believe me you’re not the only one to feel that speaking is more of a risk to your sanity than a career opportunity.
In fact, most of my most seemingly confident clients, and I’m here to tell you – most expert speakers – have in the past experienced nerves, butterflies – dread, even – before presenting… And then during the presentation… dry mouth, shaky voice, hesitant delivery, self-conscious…

And the worst bit of all? Even when it was over they couldn’t enjoy the warm glow of a speech well done. They were simply keen to get out of there as fast as possible.

I get it – I did my TEDx talk on a talk that went disastrously wrong – when I did that disastrous talk it went so so wrong in front of such a big audience. I wanted to RUN AWAY when it happened, I couldn’t even look people in the eye as I left.
But you can take those moments and learn from them. Sometimes our messes become our message… that TEDX has been watched by well over 11 million people – I am proof that you can grow from these moments and learn to speak up and step up.
“But I was also lucky to work with some great teachers, in fact I sought them out and asked them why I was so stuck. They reassured me there was a path to find my voice and they gave me a head start on addressing my own struggles with how I showed up.”

Over the two decades of my career I’ve helped tens of thousands of happy students to project authority and expertise when they speak - even those who are introverts, have always hated public speaking, or who previously used to shun the spotlight of others' attention, because they doubted their ability to speak under pressure".


Master Your Speaking is a super short, wholly practical set of tools that busy people can start using right now.


Why speaking goes so wrong

When a talk goes wrong – or just doesn’t go the way you want it to, I know from personal experience that it’s because we didn’t get set up for success.

We didn’t do the right preparation, often due to head in the sand syndrome. It’s too scary to think about, so we don’t, and we sabotage any chance of speaking well. We let ourselves down again, and the dread about speaking in public gets worse.

I know this vicious circle well. In my disastrous talk I hadn’t done the right preparation. I’d worried about it, but hadn’t translated the worry into action.
I see the same pattern in so many people I coach and what I know is it’s not that they are bad speakers – it’s that they don’t have the right process to get better.

it's because they go into that situation the exact opposite of what they need to be.

Instead of relaxed and ready, they go in tense and fearful.
Instead of confident and at ease, they are unsure and self-doubting.
Instead of looking forward to inspiring – even entertaining – their audience, they are worried that they will bore them.

And the biggest fear of all? To get it all wrong, to stumble, mumble, ramble, go blank… and end up looking or sounding ridiculous".

I see a lot of people who got into this fear spiral at school, and go through their careers avoiding speaking.

I love showing them that there is a confident speaker within, and that it’s far easier to find that confidence than they’ve ever dreamed of. 

Without a system to help you prepare, these worries are normal – you’re doing the best you can but don’t know how to pull the talk, and yourself together.

Learn how to take your speaking nerves and anxieties and take control of them with a system that allows you to take control of your mind, breath and body under pressure to make you the best speaker you can be.

It is important to learn this system. Why? Speaking with confidence and gravitas in the spotlight is the key high-value skill in the world to master.
Master Your Speaking is my tried and tested, practical and guaranteed route to being a relaxed, natural and persuasive speaker and presenter.

Using my 4 step system to speaking well has been the saviour for thousands of clients over the years:


Master Your Speaking is a super short, wholly practical set of tools that busy people can start using right now.

Results are guaranteed -
or your money back.

No more speaking nerves

The basic obstacles to confident speaking can feel like they’re impossible to change. In fact, the underlying causes of nervousness about speaking have nothing to do with your speaking abilities at all.

We tell ourselves stories about what could go wrong, the dread increases… shredding our nerves, silencing us, sapping our confidence.

Yet it’s possible to take control so that you no longer let these nerves overwhelm you – you can use them to make you better as a speaker – so you speak up and stand out.

Master Your Speaking is the system I’ve distilled over decades of the collected techniques, approaches and tools used by the world’s most admired speakers to resolve the fears, doubts and anxieties and take control of them so you can stand up in front of large audiences feeling confident, ready - even excited to be there.

Here’s what the Master Your Speaking course looks like:

Confident Meeting Speaker Score

A bespoke self test that allows you to pinpoint the areas you want to focus on via a personalised spider graph so you can get focused results from the course – in the quickest time.

Panic To Power Mini Course

The absolute essentials to get you from anxiety to authority as a speaker when the pressure hits. My audio mini course to help you in your speaker emergencies. You can save it on your phone so you can pull talks together in minutes when you need to.


Though many want to take longer to get the skills deep in the muscle. Most people choose a pace that best allows them to embed new learning and to enjoy the gains from each new tool or tactic.


Learn super practical methods to take control of the speaking experience from the moment you’re asked to speak so you can enjoy both the preparation and the speaking rather than dread it.

Find Your Why - experience the power of tapping into what really matters to you about this speaking event - and swap performance anxiety for a genuine, motivating desire to serve your audience. Know you’ve succeeded almost before you even step on stage.

Your Unique Speaker Proposition How to find your personal angle on your material so you deliver a powerful presentation based on a confident passion to communicate - rather than on a fear of it going wrong.

Master Your Material - How to pull your material together so you can deliver your speech or presentation fluently and script-free.

3 Short practical videos and actionable PDFs.


Advanced methods of settling nerves, strengthening self-belief and maintaining composure whatever situation you find yourself in. Tune in – to yourself and your audience – rather than succumb to nerves and self-doubt.

Be Yourself And Feel At Home on Stage - How to change the way you perceive adrenalin - so you see it as a sign of your power, not your panic. Enjoy - really! - what you used to fear.

Connect With Your Audience

How to make friends with your audience - no matter how daunting they seem. Tap into your innate conversational confidence so panic recedes and power kicks in.

3 Short practical videos and actionable PDFs.


Find your voice on-stage as a speaker: swap the hesitant, weak voice that lets you down under pressure for a confident, engaging one you trust and enjoy.

Turn Panic into Power and Presence - simple breathing methods calm and empower even the most nervous speaker, settling nerves and energising your presence and delivery.

Let Your Voice Travel Develop your tone and range so you speak in a way that people want to listen to, engaging your audience and building connection and excitement when you speak.

Own Every Word: be heard is the first rule of speaking, Be sure your audience hears every word, that you’re speaking with clarity, projecting powerfully and your audiences fully involved with your material.

3 Short practical videos and actionable PDFs.


How to handle the pressure of the spotlight in front of a large audience. Here we learn the tips and tactics that will allow you to handle the pressure with grace and confidence.

Prepare for Take Off - Tried and tested techniques to set your mind for your speaking event and be fully prepared to give a masterclass of a presentation.

Keep Them Captivated Super practical tips and tricks to keep your audience engaged by flexing your style vocally and physically.

Professionalise Your Presence learn the absolute essentials for sounding and looking professional and in control as a speaker under pressure - expert-level tactics to ensure you sound and feel great.

3 Short practical videos and actionable PDFs.


Here we integrate all the above so you have a proven, repeatable process to keep you confident and boosted in every speech or presentation you do – whatever the occasion and however little time you have to prepare.

Confident Speaker Score – take your confident speaker score again to see how you’ve grown as a speaker.


Brand new six part gravitas course -
worth £97.00